  Portrait of the US as a Consumer ,  2014   acrylic on mylar over canvas 24 paintings combined 51” x 109” overall framed dimensions each frame = 13.5” x 17.25”  A duplicate of all 24 paintings from the VALs series are combined to form one

Portrait of the US as a Consumer2014 
acrylic on mylar over canvas
24 paintings combined
51” x 109” overall framed dimensions
each frame = 13.5” x 17.25”

A duplicate of all 24 paintings from the VALs series are combined to form one large work.  1,277,952 CMYK acrylic dots painted by hand with a needle.

Portrait of the US as a Consumer2014 
acrylic on mylar over canvas
24 paintings combined
51” x 109” overall framed dimensions
each frame = 13.5” x 17.25”

A duplicate of all 24 paintings from the VALs series are combined to form one large work.  1,277,952 CMYK acrylic dots painted by hand with a needle.

  Portrait of the US as a Consumer ,  2014   acrylic on mylar over canvas 24 paintings combined 51” x 109” overall framed dimensions each frame = 13.5” x 17.25”  A duplicate of all 24 paintings from the VALs series are combined to form one